The latest news stories across the state of Oregon from the digital home of the Oregon coastal cities,
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Oregon Beach Weather

Federal Government States It Is Ready To Sell Commercial Wind Energy Leases Off The Coast of Coos Bay and Brookings for Floating Offshore Wind Facilities
The Southern Oregon coast is closer to hosting floating offshore wind energy, after the Biden administration announced it’s preparing to accept proposals for the area. This is the first step in a multiyear process before any wind developer could begin construction.
On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, or BOEM, proposed an auction for developers seeking floating offshore leases to develop wind energy in two locations off the coast of Southern Oregon. The announcement kicks off two opportunities for the public to comment on the proposal — on the areas that would be developed, and on the federal government’s draft environmental assessment.

Ocean areas approved for wind energy development off the coast of Coos Bay and Brookings, which were finalized in February, total nearly 195,000 acres. There, offshore wind could have the potential to power more than one million homes with renewable energy, according to the federal agency.

But the federal push to advance offshore wind has also prompted concerns from tribal leaders and commercial fishing groups about impacts on the marine environment, and broader concerns along the Southern Oregon coast at the speed of federal action before a state effort to guide offshore wind is in place. Federal officials said development will take years, and there will be time to incorporate Oregon’s roadmap, as long as the state meets its own deadlines.
BOEM Director Elizabeth Klein said the agency will work with government partners and stakeholders.
“We’re excited to unveil these proposed sales and emphasize our commitment to exploring the potential for offshore wind development from coast to coast,” Klein said in a release.
BOEM is also seeking feedback about several of its drafted lease stipulations, including requirements that offshore wind developers make commitments to union jobs and workforce training, that they engage with impacted communities like tribes and the fishing industry, and that they create a community benefits agreement.
The details of the proposed auction and the draft environmental assessment will be published in the Federal Register Wednesday.
A statewide emissions goal, and concerns about marine environments — Floating offshore wind could potentially help Oregon reach its goal for electric utilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity they provide by 100% by 2040. But the prospect of the new technology has prompted pushback from residents, as well as calls from Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek for more research. The governor and affected communities have asked for more transparency and engagement from the federal government, which has so far shared limited information about environmental impacts.
That pushback was a factor in the passage of state House Bill 4080, which requires Oregon to develop a roadmap, drawing on engagement with impacted communities and tribes, to define standards for offshore wind energy.
A group that included environmentalists, climate advocates, fishing industry representatives, labor unions and city officials helped draft the legislation, which state lawmakers passed in March.
That informal group, working through the facilitator Oregon Consensus, has provided Kotek with recommendations for creating an floating offshore wind energy roadmap. Recommendations include protecting the environment, culturally significant viewsheds and resources important to tribes, and supporting local communities and the fishing industry.
Kotek said the roadmap will be a critical tool to ensure the state is prepared to assess and coordinate offshore wind opportunities with the federal government, “while also ensuring that local communities are at the forefront of economic, workforce, and supply chain development opportunities,” she said in a statement. “I look forward to reviewing the recommendations from the work group.”
Nicole Hughes is the executive director of Renewable Northwest, and was part of the informal group. She said the most important part of getting so many voices from diverse interests together on this issue was to begin to understand the different concerns from each group as well as build relationships with each other to figure out solutions.
“We know we did not get all the issues, we know there’s things that were left out of consideration, we know that not every Oregonian is going to be able to see themselves in the outline that we wrote,” Hughes said. “But we’re hopeful that the work we did just sets the state agencies up for better success in the actual development of this road map, which we hope and are pushing for a much broader formal stakeholder process than we were able to accommodate in our informal working group.”
She said the group spent about nine months working on the recommendations that also includes “exit ramps,” or checks and balances on how a project should move forward and when to reevaluate or pause a project.
“Some of the ways that those can come up, you know, a new environmental situation that hadn’t been identified before, a new economic situation that hasn’t been identified before,” she said. “These are all things that might cause us to rethink the viability of offshore wind or make us go out and do more research to get more answers to questions that hadn’t yet been posed.”
The Oregon offshore wind energy roadmap is set to be completed by fall 2025.
BOEM’s Klein reiterated the federal agency’s commitment to working with Oregon’s roadmap in a letter sent to Kotek Monday. The federal government expects a sale of the proposed areas is expected to occur in October, she said, and that would likely have an effective date of Jan. 1, 2025.
“A lease does not authorize the construction of projects,” she said in the letter.
Once a developer is chosen, they will have up to five years to submit a project proposal, which will undergo an environmental review before final approval. That review, Klein said, could take at least four years to reach completion.
“Therefore, if the state adheres to the current planned roadmap timeline, the roadmap report and resulting formal policy amendments should be completed well before any [Construction and Operations Plan] decisions are made,” she said.
But news of BOEM’s proposed sale lease announcement on Tuesday left people from the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians and some from the fishing industry saying they are disappointed.
Tribal Council Chair Brad Kneaper said the federal agency should delay moving forward until more research is available to understand environmental and cultural impacts to the tribes and the fishing industry. He also said offshore wind leasing should wait until the Oregon Roadmap is complete.
“No one, including BOEM, has an understanding on how wind development will impact the fragile marine environment,” Tribal Council Chair Brad Kneaper said. “Commercial fishing interests separately requested such a delay. This only makes sense because the roadmap may be a futile effort without a commitment from BOEM to actually consider the recommendations of the Tribe, the State, and coastal stakeholders.”
According to BOEM’s website about Oregon wind energy, “the environmental impacts of any proposed wind energy projects will be assessed after a lease is issued and before BOEM decides whether or not to approve any lessee’s project construction and operations plan.”
Heather Mann, who is the executive director of Midwater Trawlers Cooperative and worked on creating and collaborating with the informal group, said BOEM is rushing the process. She is also considering switching her views to oppose offshore wind.
“BOEM does not care about the Oregon Roadmap process, instead they are rushing to meet a political and electoral deadline,” she said in a statement. “Just because BOEM claims they worked collaboratively with stakeholders doesn’t make it true.
Mann said BOEM’s announcement is undermining the work the informal group has done to work with different interests and to provide recommendations on how to move forward. (SOURCE)
Largest Cascadia Exercise Ever Planned On Coast May 14th And 15th
In the largest exercise of its kind ever on the Oregon coast, Lincoln County Emergency Management, in partnership with the Oregon Department of Human Services’ Office of Resilience and Emergency Management (OREM), city of Newport, Scappoose Fire District, Life Flight, Team Rubicon, and the United States Coast Guard, will host a two-day exercise to introduce and train first responders and volunteers in the deployment of the newest Evacuation Assembly Point (EAP), housed at the Newport Municipal Airport.

On May 14 and 15, emergency management personnel from around the state will respond to a simulated emergency, such as a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and ensuing tsunami. First responders will have an opportunity to set up, test, and demobilize tents and other EAP equipment.
Last month, OREM delivered two Conex containers — heavy duty metal storage and shipping containers — storing the EAP equipment in the northeast corner of the Newport Municipal Airport. Partner agencies, hosted at Oregon Coast Community College, have met several times since to plan for the exercise and familiarize themselves with the equipment.
This EAP is intended for temporary use to triage and provide shelter to individuals who will need to be evacuated off the coast to receive additional assistance or to return home to other parts of the state. Over the course of the two-day event, there will be demonstrations, preparedness activities, and overnight sheltering provided.
This is the second such exercise OREM has delivered to the coast, the first being housed at the Tillamook Airport. The agency plans to establish a third EAP on the south coast this summer. OREM delivers the equipment to local responders and conducts initial training, leaving the EAP in the hands of those who will be faced with the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
“As the lead state agency for mass care and shelter services following disasters, we believe it’s important to get EAP supplies to coastal communities like Lincoln County,” said Ed Flick, OREM director. “Data shows coastal communities are likely to be cut off from the rest of the state during the Cascadia earthquake. Prepositioning EAP supplies and training local communities to use them is one of our priorities.”
Demonstrations will include the use of drones operated by Scappoose Fire’s Aviation unit, a Life Flight rescue helicopter, and the Coast Guard Newport Air Station’s MH-65 Dolphin rescue helicopter.
“Lincoln County is grateful to ODHS for providing us with the Evacuation Assembly Point,” Lincoln County Emergency Manager Samantha Buckley said. “In a large-scale emergency event, the ability to quickly remove individuals from the area is essential to life safety and the wellbeing of our community. The EAP will allow us to provide shelter and other resources for those being medically evacuated by air. It will make a significant difference in the type of care we can provide.”
The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will hold their bi-monthly business meeting on site during this event on the second day, starting at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 15. As always, attendance at the commissioners’ meeting is open to the public. Remote attendance is encouraged, as access to and from the EAP site will be limited to shuttles from the main airport parking lot. If you have special transportation needs and wish to attend the meeting in person, contact
County commissioners, county and city emergency management teams, the OREM team and at least one state legislator plan to spend the night at the EAP May 14 as part of the exercise. —- Information provided by Lincoln County and the Oregon Department of Human Services
Fatal Crash – HWY 101 – Tillamook County
Tillamook County, Ore. 27 Apr. 24- On Saturday, April 27, 2024, at 4:55 p.m., Oregon State Police responded to a single-vehicle crash on Hwy 101, near milepost 39, in Tillamook County.
The preliminary investigation indicated a northbound Dodge Charger, operated by Ellis Miller Heine (56) of Cottage Grove, attempted to pass another vehicle and lost control. The Dodge slid across the northbound lane and into the ditch at highway speeds before striking a tree.
The operator of the Dodge (Ellis Heine) was seriously injured and transported to a local hospital. A passenger in the Dodge, Rhonda Sue Heine (55) of Cottage Grove, was declared deceased at the scene.
The cause of the crash is under investigation. OSP was assisted by the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office and Nehalem Bay Fire.
Fatal Crash – HWY 20 – Lincoln County
Lincoln County, Ore. 26 Apr 24- On Friday, April 26, 2024, at 4:42 p.m., Oregon State Police responded to a two-vehicle crash on Hwy-20, near milepost 1.5, in Lincoln County.
The preliminary investigation indicated a westbound Subaru Forester, operated by Velma June Freudenthal (78) of Newport, crossed the centerline into the eastbound lanes and struck an eastbound Nissan light duty pickup, operated by Christopher Michael Robeson (62) of Siletz, head-on.
The operator the Nissan (Robeson) was declared deceased at the scene. A passenger in the Nissan, Ramona Lynette Luledjian (55) of Toledo, was seriously injured and transported to a local hospital.
The operator of the Subaru (Freudenthal) suffered minor injuries and was transported to a local hospital. The highway was impacted for approximately four hours during the on-scene investigation. The cause of the crash is under investigation. OSP was assisted by the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, Newport Fire, and ODOT.
Arrest Made In Hatchery Fish Kill
An Oregon man was arrested this week, accused of breaking into a Reedsport, Oregon, hatchery and pouring bleach into a rearing pond that killed 17,890 young Chinook salmon.
The targeted Gardiner, Reedsport, Winchester Bay hatchery is part of Oregon’s volunteer Salmon Trout Enhancement Program and hosts four such tanks. The fish killed were intended for release into the lower Umpqua River, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said in a release Thursday.

Once grown, the survivors would have numbered 200 to 400 available to be fished, the hatchery said in a Facebook post.
Law enforcement was made aware of the break-in to the hatchery and the tank poisoning on Monday. Joshua Heckathorn, 20, is accused of breaking in and pouring the bleach, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office wrote on Facebook.
On Tuesday, a sheriff’s deputy spotted Mr. Heckathorn back at the hatchery behind a locked gate and a “no trespassing” sign. The suspect admitted to breaking in and handling the bleach the day prior, the sheriff’s office said.
Mr. Heckathorn was then arrested.
He is charged with second-degree burglary, the unlawful taking of Chinook salmon and first-degree criminal mischief, all felonies, as well as criminal trespass and making a toxic substance available to wildlife, both misdemeanors, according to state wildlife officials and the sheriff’s office. The Chinook is the largest and most highly valued species of Pacific salmon.
If convicted, Mr. Heckathorn could face up to five years in prison and millions of dollars in fines.
National Small Business Week Celebrated April 28 to May 4, 2024
There are far-reaching advantages to deciding to “shop local.” By supporting local businesses, you are in turn supporting your local economy; significantly more money stays in a community when purchases are made at locally owned – rather than nationally owned – businesses.

The U.S. Small Business Association and the U.S. Department of Labor report the positive impacts of small, independent businesses on local economies.
- Local businesses are more likely to utilize other local businesses such as banks, service providers, and farms.
- For every $100 you spend at local businesses, $68 will stay in the community.
- Independent retailers return more than three times as much money per dollar of sales to the community in which they operate than chain competitors. Independent restaurants return more than two times as much money per dollar of sales than national restaurant chains.
- Small businesses employ 77 million Americans and accounted for 65% of all new jobs over the past 17 years.
In addition to helping build the local economy, there are also notable intangible benefits that come from supporting businesses in your local community.
- Local businesses are owned and operated by your neighbors! They care about and are invested in the well-being of your community and its future.
- Local businesses are more accountable to their local communities and donate more money to non-profits.
- Supporting local businesses is good for the environment because they often have a smaller carbon footprint than larger companies.
It isn’t always the easiest or most convenient option to visit a local independent business rather than a large national chain that might be down the street. However, there are plenty of ways you can help support your local economy by thinking local first:
- Try the menu at a local restaurant for lunch or dinner
- Purchase a birthday present at a local gift shop
- Join a local gym
- Visit a local nursery or hardware store for your lawn and garden needs
- Get your car serviced at a local mechanic
- Visit a farmer’s market to purchase the ingredients for your family dinner.
Top 10 Reasons to Shop Local First
- To shape and preserve our distinctive community character
- Local competition and diversity leads to more product choices
- It keeps and recirculates money in our community
- You’ll help support local job and opportunity creation
- It reduces environmental impact locally
- Because local businesses reinvest in our community
- It strengthens the local economy
- Because the local businesses help fund local non-profits
- To ensure that tax dollars stay local
- It encourages community pride and ownership
So the next time you need to run out for some groceries or do a little shopping, seek out a local business and see what they have to offer! You could discover some great products and services while helping to build a strong and successful community around you.
When you invest money in your local economy, you’re not just helping local business owners — you’re also helping yourself. You’re making your town a better place to live in, with a rich character, thriving economy, and tightly knit community. And the more local businesses prosper, the more new ones will open, making it even easier to continue shopping locally in the future.
Join the conversation and tell us about a great local business in your community:
Coos Bay Man Sentenced To More Than 8 Years In Prison For Stabbing And Attempted Kidnapping
A 40-year-old Coos Bay man has been sentenced to more than 8 years in prison last Friday as part of a plea deal for an incident last October in which he stabbed a man and attempted to kidnap the victim’s girlfriend, according to the Coos County Sheriff’s Office and court records.
CCSO officials said that Brian A. Springer was sentenced to 100 months on April 19 after accepting a plea agreement on the charges of second-degree assault, two counts of unlawful use of a weapon, and menacing. The charges stemmed from an incident that happened in the area of John Topits Park on October 27, 2023 in which authorities responded to a report of a man and his girlfriend being attacked, according to the Coos Bay Police Department. Authorities said that Springer allegedly stabbed another man and then attempted to kidnap the woman he was with and was arrested by the CBPD with the help of the Coos County Sheriff’s Office and a K9 unit after being spotted in a parking lot at Southwestern Oregon Community College. At the time he was arrested, Coos Bay police held probable cause for his arrest in relation to several other cases, authorities said.
Lincoln County Announces Low Income Program To Help Spay And Neuter Pets
Lincoln County has announced it will use some of its federal relief funds for a spay and neuter service to help counter dog and cat overpopulation that was substantially worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The program is for local low-income households that cannot afford spay and neuter services for their pets. County staff will work with applicants and participating veterinarians’ offices to coordinate and submit payment for the procedures.
To qualify, people must be a resident of Lincoln County and income eligible, which can be confirmed by showing eligibility for SNAP/TANF; WIC; OHP; Medicaid; housing assistance; supplemental social security income; veterans pension benefits; and surviving spouse pension benefits.
The applications are online. For the English version go here; for the Spanish version, go here.
For assistance filling out the application, call the helpline at 541-270-3393. Friends of the Lincoln County Animal Shelter has volunteered to help answer questions on the helpline and assist applicants who do not have access to computers.
“Our county fell woefully behind in spaying and neutering during the pandemic, when many vets had to suspend elective surgeries altogether, and after the fires of fall 2020, which meant financial hardship for many residents,” said FOLCAS president Emily DeHuff. “These subsidies will go a long way in getting spay/neuter rates back on track.”
People who do not meet the income qualification for the county program can apply for spay/neuter and other veterinary care assistance through other programs administered by the humane society by visiting and completing a request for assistance form. (SOURCE)
Rhododendron Quilt Guild (RQG) is pleased to announce a quilt show and sale taking place from 10:30 am to 5 p.m. on Friday May 17th and 10:30 to 4 p.m. on Saturday May 18th.
This exciting event will feature a stunning display of beautiful and intricate quilts, handmade by local artisans.
Visitors to the quilt show and sale can expect to see a variety of quilt styles, including traditional, modern, and contemporary designs. The quilts on display will feature a range of colors, patterns, and techniques, showcasing the diverse talents of the local quilting community. In addition to the quilt show, visitors will have the opportunity to purchase quilts, as well as other handmade items such as table runners, wall hangings, and tote bags. There will also be fabrics, patterns, and quilting supplies sold, making this event a one-stop-shop for all quilting enthusiasts. Rhododendron Quilt Guild is proud to host this event and celebrate the talent of the local quilting community.

Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay

Garden volunteers needed at Shore Acres State Park April through September
— Come share your gardening skills or learn new ones as a garden volunteer at Shore Acres State Park.

Join rangers in caring for the gardens 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the third Friday of every month from April through September. Tasks vary depending on the season and could include cleaning out the pond, pruning roses, trimming shrubs, pulling weeds, mulching, planting and helping to remove invasive species.
The 2024 garden volunteer schedule:
- April 19: Pond clean out
- May 17: Prepare for summer
- June 21: Garden clean up
- July 19: Garden clean up
- Aug. 16: English ivy pull
- Sept. 20: Prepare for fall
Sign up for one or more of these events at
Participants should be prepared to travel a short distance on uneven ground and trails to the service site. Service will take place outdoors, and volunteers should be comfortable wearing work gloves and using hand tools.
Dress for the weather. Closed-toed shoes are recommended. Wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. Remember to bring a water bottle, sack lunch and work gloves if you have them (some will be provided if not).

Oregon Secretary of State releases 2024 Civic Engagement Toolkit
Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade released a civic engagement toolkit today, aimed at helping organizations do voter registration and voter turnout work in the 2024 elections.
The tools included in the 2024 toolkit are official, non-partisan, research-backed and free to use with or without attribution to our office.
Download the 2024 Civic Engagement Toolkit here.
ODOT Reminding The Public That Political Signs Posted Incorrectly Will Be Removed
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) would like to remind the public that political signs posted incorrectly will be removed.

During election season ODOT tells us they receive complaints from the public and candidates regarding the improper placement of political signs on the state highway rights of way, where only official traffic control devices are allowed. Improperly placed signs can distract drivers and block road safety messages.
Wrongly placed signs will be taken down and held at a nearby ODOT district maintenance office for 30 days. To reclaim signs, go here to find the nearest ODOT maintenance office.
Signs are prohibited on trees, utility poles, fence posts and natural features within highway right-of-ways, ODOT tells us. They also are prohibited within view of a designated scenic area.
State highway width rights of way can vary considerably depending on the location. Check with your local ODOT district maintenance office to determine whether placing a sign is on private property or highway right of way. Local municipalities may also regulate the placement of political signs.
Political signs are allowed on private property within view of state highways with the following restrictions:
- Signs are limited to 12 square feet but can be up to 32 square feet with a variance from our Oregon Advertising Sign program
- Signs cannot have flashing or intermittent lights, or animated or moving parts
- Signs must not imitate official highway signs or devices
- Signs are not allowed in scenic corridors
- No payment or compensation of any kind can be exchanged for either the placement of or the message on temporary signs, including political signs, which are visible to a state highway
For more information go to ODOT’s Outdoor Advertising Sign Program.
Oregon Offers Electric Car Rebates Again – Apply Now Until June 3rd

Due to high demand and limited funding, OCVRP will be open for a short time in 2024. Vehicles must be purchased or leased between April 3, 2024, to June 3, 2024, to be eligible for a rebate.
Applicants have six months from their date of purchase or lease to apply. Low- and moderate-income households can prequalify for the $5,000 Charge Ahead rebate by completing the application now at
Oregon to Honor Fallen Law Enforcement Officers May 7th, 2024

Every year, the Oregon Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony honors the state’s law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty. This year’s ceremony will be held Tuesday, May 7 at 1 p.m. at the Oregon Public Safety Academy in Salem.
The annual event commemorates the more than 190 fallen officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the state of Oregon since the 1860s. This includes law enforcement, corrections, and parole and probation officers from city, county, state, tribal and federal law enforcement agencies.
The Department of Public Safety Standards and Training is proud to host the ceremony in partnership with the Oregon Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, Oregon Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), Oregon Fallen Badge Foundation, and various statewide law enforcement associations.

83-year-old Clarence Edward Pitts walked away from his home in Bandon on Tuesday, January 31 at around 1:00 p.m. Pitts is described as:
- 6′ 00″
- 150 lbs
- Gray hair
- Brown eyes
- Last seen wearing an orange beanie, plaid jacket, tan pants and white shoes
- May have a walking cane
- Has dementia and PTSD
Pitts may be in a vehicle that was also found to be missing from the home:
- 1999 Toyota Van
- White
- Oregon license plate: WYN 788
If you see Clarence or have any information pertaining to where he may be, please call the Coos County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center at 541-396-2106 or the Bandon Police Department at 541-347-3189.

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