Oregon Beach News, Wednesday 8/14 – Multiple Agency Teamwork Successfully Locates Missing 10 Year Old Boy in Yaquina Bay & Other Local and Statewide News…

The latest news stories across the state of Oregon from the digital home of the Oregon coastal cities, OregonBeachMagazine.com

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Oregon Beach Weather

Wildfires continue to produce smoke in the Pacific Northwest. Breathe a little easier by keeping up to date on air quality conditions and concerns at Fire.AirNow.gov.

Please take precautions to avoid sparking a human-caused fire, be familiar with evacuation levels, and have a go-kit ready in case you need to leave your home.”

Fire Weather Tools from the National Weather Service

As we prepare for the peak of wildfire season in the U.S., the National Weather Service (NWS) reminds wildland fire managers that we have tools to help you monitor and fight wildfires. Whether it is a prescribed burn, ground fire or crown fire, fire managers can use this information to make decisions on how best to combat fires and keep the public safe. 

Fire weather forecasters – The NWS issues Fire Weather Outlooks for the next eight days. These outlooks show areas where pre-existing fuel conditions, combined with forecast weather conditions, may result in a significant threat of wildfires.

Our Fire Weather Program supports land managers and firefighters who mitigate and respond to fires. Our weather forecasts are designed to highlight times and locations where a fire may be exceptionally hard to control. For example, we offer Red Flag Warnings, which mean warm temperatures, very low humidities and stronger winds are ongoing or expected to produce an increased risk of fire danger in 12 to 24 hours for specific locations. 

Need a fire weather Spot Forecast? Land managers can request a site-specific, localized forecast for prescribed burns and wildfires to assess a potential threat. NWS recently updated this tool and will deliver additional enhancements to the application later this year. Learn more about the new Spot Forecast tool.  

For federal and select state large wildfires, onsite weather forecasting support to firefighters is critical. An NWS Incident- Meteorologist (IMET) can be deployed to your incident command post. IMETs arrive on scene within 12 to 24 hours after activation and can serve up to 14 consecutive days before being relieved by another IMET. https://www.weather.gov/news/241507-fire-weather-tools

Multiple Agency Teamwork Successfully Locates Missing 10 Year Old Boy in Yaquina Bay

On 08/13/2024, the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office received an urgent call on concern from a South Beach, OR family who were unable to locate their autistic 10-year-old son. The family reported noticing their son was missing within three minutes and had looked for him briefly before calling for help. The City of Newport Police Department and Newport Fire Department responded to assist in attempting to locate the missing boy while Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue “SAR” resources gathered to organize a broader search operation.

Approximately two hours after the boy went missing, an alert employee from the Oregon Coast Aquarium noticed a juvenile playing in the mud flats approximately 300 feet off SE 30th St in the Yaquina Bay and reported it to management staff who reported it to Law Enforcement. City of Newport Police and Fire responded to the area of SE 30th St with Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office personnel and located the missing boy playing in the water. Multiple personnel waded out into the mud flats to retrieve the boy and reunite him with his family.

Lincoln County SAR volunteer personnel respond to a multitude of dangerous conditions, but a lost autistic 10-year-old requires seamless cooperation and coordination from all available resources. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office is grateful to the City of Newport Police Department and the City of Newport Fire Department for their willingness to provide assistance at a moment’s notice. FACEBOOK VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/NewportPolice/videos/2182506985458289

Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office Assist Lane County SAR Rescue

On 08/10/2024, the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office received a call from the Lane County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue (SAR) Coordinator requesting assistance in locating a female ATV rider missing in the area of Cummins Creek Ridge in Lane County. The missing female was riding on the US Forest Service 58 Rd with a family member before they became separated, and Lane County SAR was contacted.

The Cummins Creek Ridge area borders Lane County and Lincoln County, leading to the request for Lincoln County SAR. Lincoln County Sergeant Patrick Dougherty and Senior Deputy Bruce McGuire responded and learned while enroute that a local firefighter associated with the family had located the missing female down a very steep embankment through verbal contact only. Senior Deputy McGuire deployed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to gather additional information on the missing female’s location and condition. Due to the steep terrain, the Lincoln County Technical Rescue Team (TRT) was requested.

After resources from Lane County SAR arrived, First Responders navigated access to the missing female, finding that she had suffered an injury to her right leg that prevented her from hiking up the steep terrain. Lincoln County TRT arrived, provided medical care, and removed the female to an awaiting ambulance using a rope system. Based on the remote location, the female was then transported to Corvallis by Life Flight helicopter for treatment of her injuries.

The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the Lincoln County Technical Rescue Team and the Yachats Fire Department for their assistance in extricating the patient. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue is also grateful for the close working relationship with Lane County Search and Rescue.

A popular campground on Oregon’s central coast reopened this month after workers removed about 200 dying and hazardous trees

For years, the towering spruce trees at Beverly Beach State Park have been getting sick and dying, threatening to drop limbs on any of the 278 campsites below.

A bench under tall trees
A campsite in Beverly Beach State ParkPhoto courtesy of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept.

“Best case scenario, it would damage a vehicle or somebody’s camper tent,” said Oregon state forester Nick Morris. “And worst case scenario, somebody could get injured.”

The trend at first confounded Morris, since the trees didn’t show signs of disease or pest infestations, and drought is unusual among Oregon’s wet coastal forests. He roped in additional specialists from the Oregon Department of Forestry and Oregon State University.

The trees usually started browning at their tops and branch ends — a sign that they weren’t getting enough water. It appeared trees were mostly dying in the park’s low-lying areas, not in the wetter, higher elevations. Looking at those signs, and comparing historic weather patterns, the team concluded that this park was victim to a trend happening across much of the state: a shrinking water table.

When it rains, water soaks into the soil and enters an area’s aquifer — basically a big underground collection of water. The top of the aquifer is called the water table.

While Oregon’s summers are getting drier, its winter and spring months are also changing, Morris said. Those months are seeing more intense bursts of rain that don’t allow enough time for water to soak into the soil and enter the aquifer.

“A lot of it is going directly into the streams and straight out to the ocean,” Morris said. That means there’s less underground water for trees to tap into.

Beverly Beach State Park was already in store for some construction work, as managers planned to do some electrical and plumbing improvements, so Morris’s team set out to cut the dead and dying trees that could threaten visitors. They also removed many of the park’s shore pines — tall, skinny trees that have a tendency to fall during windstorms.

All in all, workers removed about 200 trees, costing the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department about $50,000. Morris said most weren’t valuable enough to sell as timber. The state gained about $10,000 from trees that could be milled.

Morris’s team left some snags, which are tall, dead tree trunks that birds and other wildlife can nest in. They also left logs on the forest floor to decompose and donated logs to a nonprofit group that placed them in streams to provide habitats for fish.

The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department plans to plant more drought-tolerant native trees and shrubs at the park, including western hemlock and Douglas fir. That work should begin in 2026.

Beverly Beach State Park reopened on Aug. 1, after being closed for 11 months. Although some areas of the park look a bit different, with less tree canopy and more sky exposure, parks manager Burke Martin said so far, visitors seem happy to be back there. He has spotted more birds, like woodpeckers, making use of the snags and logs that were left behind.

“It’s been incredible to see the diversity of nature,” Martin said.

In addition to the tree work, the Beverly Beach State Park staff repaved some roads, installed new plumbing for water spigots, improved accessibility in some campsites and buried electrical wires.

Florence Police Enforcement Campaigns

The city of Florence Police Department will be conducting a DUII Enforcement campaign.  Beginning this Friday and lasting through the 4th of September local law enforcement along with partnering agencies will be on the lookout for impaired drivers.  Additionally they will also be conducting another campaign on Monday August 19th through September 1st on the use of child restraints and safety belts in motor vehicles. 

The Oregon Department of Transportation has released data that show 37% of traffic fatalities were from the lack of seatbelt use or child restraint use. In 2021 data shows that the leading cause of death in children ages one through 12 were motor vehicle accidents.  1475 children in 2021 were injured in Oregon traffic crashes according to the data. These two campaigns are part of a national push that is funded federally.

Florence Pedestrian Enforcement

Another campaign from the Florence Police will be taking place on August 28th.  this is to remind people of the pedestrian laws regarding crossing in cross walks.  Under Oregon law a crosswalk exists at any public street intersection, whether marked with paint or unmarked. Crosswalks also exist between intersections (mid-block) where indicated with white paint.  Failure to stop for a pedestrian is a violation of law.

On Wednesday, august 28th the Florence police will be conducting a pedestrian enforcement operation at the intersection of 9th street and Kingwood from noon until 3pm.  according to Oregon law a vehicle must stop for a pedestrian until they have cleared the lane a driver is in and the adjacent lane.  On a two lane street this means the pedestrian must complete the entire intersection before a driver can pull forward. A vehicle turning must give a pedestrian an additional 6 feet into another lane before advancing.  The law is similar for marked and unmarked intersections.  Vehicles are also prohibited from passing a stopped vehicle as it may be a clue that a pedestrian is crossing.

Oregon Commercial Fisheries Trending Up

The value of Oregon commercial fishing harvest has varied considerably in recent years, driven by booms and busts in some of key fisheries. But the overall trend has been upward over the past 20 years.

That’s according to data from the Pacific Fisheries Information Network, compiled and analyzed in a new report by economist Shaun Barrick, who covers the north Oregon coast for the Oregon Employment Department.

Oregon’s commercial fishing harvest was worth $178 million last year. That’s up 31% from 2022 — an especially poor year due in part to a very late start to the crabbing season.

Commercial fishing is defined by such volatility, with terrific years sometimes followed by terrible ones.

Adjusting for inflation, though, Barrick’s data shows that over the past five years the value of Oregon’s fishing harvest has been at its highest level since the early 1990s.

That’s despite a steep decline in the number of commercial vessels. There were nearly 3,000 boats in Oregon waters during the ‘80s, but the numbers declined sharply the following decade and have remained relatively constant since then at around 1,000.

Oregon has about 1,200 people working in commercial fishing on an annual average basis, according to the employment department. Nearly half of those workers are fishing for ocean crab. Oregon’s commercial fishing industry has the equivalent of 1,200 full-time workers. A larger number work in the industry, but many are part time or seasonal.

The agency estimates the totals based on survey data because Oregon exempts most fishers from unemployment insurance, and that’s how the employment department calculates the workforce in other industries.

While the fishing sector is tiny on a statewide basis, Barrick notes that it feeds Oregon’s seafood processing industry, which employs nearly as many people as fishing does. And fishing is very meaningful in some communities — culturally and economically.

Lincoln County has the most fishers of any Oregon County, with a little more than 300 people working the boats each year. (SOURCE)

Pacific Northwest Tribes Fight to Get Money Meant To Help Them Adjust to Climate Change

 Coastal tribes in the Pacific Northwest experience some of the most severe effects of climate change — from rising seas to severe heat — but face an array of bureaucratic barriers to access government funds meant to help them adapt, a report released Monday found.

The tribes are leaders in combatting climate change in their region, but as they seek money for specific projects to address its repercussions, such as relocating a village threatened by rising waters, they often can’t provide the matching funds that many grants require or the necessary staff or struggle with stringent application requirements, according to the report by the Northwest Climate Resilience Collaborative. If they do get funding, it’s often a small amount that can only be used for very specific projects when this work is typically much more holistic, the report found.

“Trying to do projects by piecing together grants that all have different requirements and different strings attached, without staff capacity is a challenge,” Robert Knapp, environmental planning manager at the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe in northwest Washington, said in the report.

The collaborative, funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, spent two years holding listening sessions with 13 tribes along the Pacific Coast of Oregon and Washington, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Puget Sound. The communities face significant challenges from coastal flooding and erosion, rising stream temperatures, declining snowpack, severe heat events and increasing wildfire risk.

In addition to funding challenges, those interviewed also described not having enough staff to adequately respond to climate change as well as sometimes not being able to partner with state and local governments and universities in this work because of their remote locations. They also said it can be hard to explain the impact climate change is having to people who don’t live in their communities.

But as they work to restore salmon habitats affected by warming waters or move their homes, funding gaps and complications were key concerns.

A representative from one anonymous tribe in the report said it was not able to hire a grant writer and had to rely on its biology department to navigate the maze of funding applications. Another talked about depending on 15 separate funders just to build a marina.

“This is a time of historic state and federal investment in climate action, and tribal priorities really need to be considered when making decisions around how we’re going to be directing this investment,” said Meade Krosby, senior author of the report. “Hopefully this will help to inform how this work is being done, how these funds are being directed, so that they are actually responsive to the barriers that tribes are facing and helping to remove some of those barriers so the tribes can get the good work done.”

Most of the tribes included in the report had completed publicly available reports on the impacts of climate change, and some had developed detailed plans for relocation as rising waters threaten buildings, or even entire villages. READ MORE: https://www.newsbreak.com/the-associated-press-510077/3557946391407-pacific-northwest-tribes-are-battered-by-climate-change-but-fight-to-get-money-meant-to-help-them

The Lincoln City Police Department plans to conduct a Pedestrian Safety Operation on Monday, August 26th, 2024, on Hwy 101 in the area between south 48th Street and south 51st Street.

The primary focus of this operation is to raise awareness of pedestrian safety in drivers. The use of a decoy pedestrian will allow the Lincoln City Police Department to educate and enforce pedestrian right-of-way laws. The operation will be conducted between the hours of 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM. Warning signs will be posted prior to entering the pedestrian safety operation zone. 

According to the Governors Highway Safety Association 3,373 pedestrians were struck and killed in the first half of 2023 along US roadways. The Lincoln City Police Department wants to keep doing its parts to reduce those tragedies.

LCPD last conducted a Pedestrian Safety Operation on July 9th, 2024. During that operation, ten citations were issued for violations of crosswalk laws (Failing to stop for pedestrian in crosswalk or Passing vehicle stopped at a crosswalk). 

Drivers need to be aware of pedestrians when approaching crosswalks while traveling through Lincoln City and ODOT has installed several safe pedestrian crossings, with lights and pedestrian refuges in the center of the roadway.  The members of the Lincoln City Police Department are dedicated to enhancing the safety of our roadways for all users.

Funding for the pedestrian safety operations are made possible through traffic safety grants provided by the Oregon Department of Transportation and Oregon Impact.

Oregon Invests $10 Million In Affordable Housing – Unveils Efficient ORCA Funding Process In Lincoln City and Portland

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is making strides in the struggle for affordable housing, committing $10 million to create 63 new homes within the Oregon Coast and Metro regions through an innovative funding process known as Oregon Centralized Application (ORCA). The streamlined system replaces the former Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA), allowing for more efficient and equitable access to financial resources for housing projects.

The first beneficiaries of this novel approach include Lighthouse Village Apartments in Lincoln City, and Shortstack Belmont Apartments in Portland, each set to receive an essential boost of attention and funding.

“Governor Kotek’s housing production goals are a call for action. ORCA is one way the agency is developing new ways of working to help get housing built more quickly,” said OHCS Executive Director Andrea Bell, as per the Oregon Housing and Community Services. The anticipated outcome is not merely a collection of structures but the inception of what is foreseen as a promising chapter in the narrative of affordable housing development in Oregon.

The ORCA system highlights a trio of pivotal stages: Impact Assessment, Financial Eligibility, and Commitment.

This structured, yet dynamic process ensures that projects that clear the final hurdle are ready to close financially within six months, marking a significant acceleration in the usually protracted process of housing development.

Pivotal in ORCA’s ethos is the focus on maximizing housing production resources, as well as actively supporting organizations led by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. It is a methodology that keeps tenant needs at the crux of building design and funding decisions. The system prizes not merely simplicity, it prizes clarity and flexibility, striving to adequately meet the variegated housing requirements of all Oregonians. (SOURCE)

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is warning individuals with pets to stay away from carcasses that have ended up on beaches.  According to ODFW several dogs have been sickened from salmon in the Newport area. They say that a parasitic flatworm that is often deadly to dogs is the culprit. 

Julie Burco an ODFW veterinarian says symptoms can begin to show 5-7 days after exposure and include vomiting and diarrhea.  She says the risk generally comes in late September, but can be found anytime a carcass is on the sand.  Keeping your dogs on a leash on the beach is the best way to ensure your pet does not come in contact with the parasite.

The Oregon Coast Aquarium New Tufted Puffin Oregon License Plates on Sale

One of Oregon’s most adorably iconic seabirds is coming to the front and back of a car near you. The Oregon Coast Aquarium has opened voucher sales for its new tufted puffin license plates.

The design, featuring a tufted puffin floating in the ocean and gazing down at some fish below, was created by the
aquarium’s graphic design and marketing coordinator, Cam Mullins.

Starring a tufted puffin—one of Oregon’s iconic seabirds–funds from the new license plate will benefit both the Aquarium’s animals and their wild counterparts. You can purchase a voucher now and exchange it at the DMV once the physical plates are available. We need to sell 3,000 vouchers to reach the production stage—meaning the sooner 3,000 vouchers are sold, the sooner production begins, and the sooner you’ll have your puffin plates in-hand. Read the full story at aquarium.org/puffin-plate-debut🌊📷: photo by OCAq’s Jeremy Burke

Tufted puffins are native to Oregon and nest on the rocky coast. The aquarium has a Seabird Aviary that sustains a flock of these sea birds and the profits from the license plates will go to benefit these puffins and their wild counterparts.

The voucher is available for purchase on the aquarium’s website. The cost covers the $40 surcharge fee and the money left over after the deduction of the DMV’s fees will go to support the Oregon Coast Aquarium’s
rehabilitation and conservation efforts. The aquarium is building a new marine wildlife rehabilitation center with
hopes of doubling the number of animal patients it can offer care to. FOLLOW on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/OregonCoastAquarium

Siuslaw Library Summer Reading Program

City of Florence Environmental Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) members, Vicki Philben, Ivy Medow and City Councilor Sally Wantz, as well as Master Recycler, Britte Kirsch, are partnering with Miss Gayle at the Siuslaw Public Library in this year’s Summer Reading Program. 

Using the “Read, Renew, Repeat” curriculum, these volunteers will be hosting 5 interactive events on such topics as bugs & bees, dirt, recycling, worms, and native plants.  Children of all ages are encouraged to attend these and all the other events from June through July.  All programs are free and held at the Florence location’s Bromley Room unless otherwise specified.  For more information, call the Siuslaw Library at 541-999-3132. 

Florence Food Share Empty Bowls 2024 Call for Artists for Poster Art

21st annual empty bowls dinner & auction, a benefit for FOOD For Lane County

We are currently making plans for Florence Food Share’s annual Empty Bowls event, which has been a successful fundraiser for 29 years. Local artists contribute handmade ceramic, wood, and fused glass bowls along with other art for sale during the first weekend of December.

For over a decade, we have featured the work of a local artist on the poster advertising the event. The art created for the event serves as the focal point for the poster and is later raffled off at the event to generate extra revenue for the Florence Food Share. In return, the artist receives recognition in local and regional publications and a tax deduction, of course.

We are searching for artwork that conveys the message of the event and the mission of Florence Food Share, which is to provide nutritious food to those in need because “no one should go hungry.” We welcome any medium, as long as it can be photographed, and the original artwork can be donated to the event. We will handle the framing, with input from the artist.

To be considered for creating the poster art for 2024, please send us your concept, including the medium and a description of the proposed image. Additionally, attach a photo of one of your previous works to give us an idea of your style. Please email your submissions to Desiree Clifton at dclifton@windemere.com by August 25, 2024. The
completed, unframed artwork should be submitted no later than September 30, 2024.

We are grateful to all the artists who have participated in Empty Bowls over the years and eagerly anticipate the participation of new artists in this year’s event. For any questions regarding submitting artwork, please reach out via email to dclifton@windemere.com. Florence Food Share Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/florencefood.share/?locale=ro_RO

Lincoln County Accepting Grant Funding Applications for Share Of $398,000 in ARPA Funds for Local Water and Sewer Projects

$398,000 in funds from the American Rescue Plan Ac (ARPA) are set to be distributed to eligible districts in Lincoln County to invest in local water, sewer and drainage projects.

The American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law in March of 2021 and provided states, cities, and counties with federal money to support pandemic recovery efforts and economic stimulus. One allowed use for ARPA dollars is to support public water, sewer and drainage projects.

Lincoln County is accepting grant funding applications from local water, sewer and drainage districts in unincorporated Lincoln County for water and sewer projects. Eligible projects must meet the ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) eligible funding requirements.

Districts must be in good standing with State of Oregon financial reporting requirements and show proof of complying with public meeting law requirements. The county has a total of $398,000 to provide for eligible projects from districts. Applications will be reviewed by a committee selected by Lincoln County to look at the financial stability of the organization, the engineering feasibility of the project, and if the project meets ARPA requirements.

The county is planning to use an open grant process to award the funds. Starting June 10 applications will open, they will be awarded on a first come, first served basis to qualifying districts and projects; applications will close once all funds have been allocated.

The county says each eligible district can ask up to $50-thousand total. Projects can be stand-alone projects or a discrete portion of a larger project. Applications will be reviewed by county administrative, legal, and engineering staff to ensure projects meet American Rescue Plan Act, legal and technical requirements. All projects must adhere to federal procurement rules and Davis-Bacon Act requirements.

County officials say they will execute contracts with awarded districts before December 31, 2024. All work on the awarded projects must be completed by subrecipients before December 2026. To apply for the Local Water, Sewer and Drainage Districts’ Grant click here.

OHA 2024 Oregon Beach Monitoring Season

Agency shares list of monitored beaches for May-September

—The Oregon Beach Monitoring Program (OBMP) is kicking off the 2024 beach monitoring season by announcing the list of coastal recreation areas it will be keeping an eye on for bacteria during summer and early fall.

The 24 beaches on the list that the OBMP, based at the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Public Health Division, is publishing includes some of the most frequently visited beaches in Oregon. It also includes beaches where the program has found bacteria present, or beaches for which local partners and the public have requested monitoring due to potential pollution concerns.

The following are Oregon beaches being monitored during 2024, including beach name, and the city and county in which they are located:

Beach monitoring season runs from mid-May to mid-September. Beach advisories are only issued for beaches that are actively being monitored within this sampling window. Other beaches will be investigated for inclusion in the next beach monitoring season.

OBMP works with Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to identify beaches that need monitoring based on several established criteria. These criteria include: pollution hazards present; previous beach monitoring data that identify water quality concerns; type and amount of beach use; and public input.

As part of an adaptive sampling plan, beaches and sampling locations are routinely re-evaluated to ensure available resources best protect public health. A copy of DEQ’s beach evaluation is available upon request.

For more information and current beach monitoring conditions please visit: www.healthoregon.org/beach, or contact OBMP at each.Health@odhsoha.oregon.gov“>Beach.Health@odhsoha.oregon.gov or 971-673-0400.


Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay

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Wildfires Expected To Burn Until Fall Rains Arrive

Map of Oregon and Washington states overlaid with large pink area covering most of the Harney Basin in eastern Oregon.

Although rain, cooler temperatures, and higher humidity are expected in some parts of the region, 🔥‼️conditions are still dry enough for active fire behavior. Significant lightning with little precipitation is forecast for eastern Oregon today with Red Flag Warnings in effect. PLEASE: Do your part to prevent human-caused starts and follow all fire restrictions.

Multiple wildfires across the Northwest will likely burn until fall weather arrives. In the meantime, more lightning and new fires are expected.

“Our planners are taking a realistic look at current wildfires, expected new fires, and the resources we have to help us safeguard human lives and property while enhancing our ability to respond to wildfires in high-risk areas,” said Jacque Buchanan, Regional Forester for the Pacific Northwest Region of the Forest Service.

Fire managers are developing strategies to maximize success, while minimizing the risk of injury or death to emergency responders. Among other tactics, crews on long-duration wildfires will develop a network of primary and contingency containment lines to stop flames approaching communities, power lines, water systems and other resources. You can support firefighters by following fire restrictions and emergency closures.

Westbound I-84 remains closed between Cascade Locks and Hood River due to wildfire

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CLICK the Wildfire Dashboard link below – click the map tab and then put in your address. #checkfirerisk#checkevacuation#oregonfires#LaneCountyFires#firesafety#evacuationzones#OregonFires2024‼️WILDFIRE DASHBOARD ‼️https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/…/a6c8f8e58ad642f4813732233…

‼️Most fires are human-caused and accidental. ‼️The most common fire causes we respond to are everyday activities that ODF regulates in the summer in an effort to cut down on these types of fire starts. Help prevent wildfires and Keep Oregon Green by following the current regulations: https://swofire.com/public-fire-restrictions/

Crater Lake National Park closes north entrance due to Middle Fork Fire

The north entrance to Crater Lake National Park is closed beginning Tuesday to allow firefighters on the Middle Fork Fire to prepare control lines along the road.

The move will likely slow entrance into the park, officials said, and will add extra time to the drive from the Willamette Valley. Crater Lake National Park remains open and is accessible from Highway 62 on the western and southern routes.

Organizers of the 2024 Crater Lake Rim Runs say their concern for participants and heavy wildfire smoke caused cancellation of the event that was scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 10, 2024.

Wyden, Hoyle pledge meals and pay for firefighters, tout arrival of New Zealand fire crews

U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden and U.S. Rep. Val Hoyle, both Oregon Democrats, said they were working to improve catering at fire camps and make permanent firefighter pay increases at a news conference Friday.

“It’s pretty hard to fight fires if you can’t feed your firefighters,” Wyden said. He said the issue had been fixed.

In addition, Wyden touted the arrival of a fire crew from New Zealand to help on wildfire burning in Lane County, he said.

Hoyle said once Congress reconvened, she would push for a raise for firefighters, approved after the pandemic, to be made permanent. Hoyle stressed that fires in Oregon are likely to get worse before they get better.

Large wildfires have burned tens of thousands of acres across the PNW, with human activity and lightning being a significant contributing factor. The uptick in human-caused fires, which include those started by campfires and debris burns strains firefighting resources significantly​. Preventing wildfires requires a collective effort from everyone—help mitigate the risk of human-caused wildfires and protect our forests and communities.

Monitoring Fires in Oregon – Updated Daily


Large Fires in Oregon 8/14/24 9:00am per INCIWEB

IncidentTypeStateIncident SizeUpdatedSort ascending
North Willamette Complex – ORWIFWildfireOregon4024 Acres3 minutes 49 seconds ago
Battle Mountain Complex – OR97SWildfireOregon182870 Acres4 minutes 47 seconds ago
Willamette Complex Fires – South – ORWIFWildfireOregon12668 Acres10 minutes 27 seconds ago
Diamond Complex – ORUPFWildfireOregon9963 Acres11 minutes 50 seconds ago
Telephone Fire – ORMAFWildfireOregon53999 Acres25 minutes 16 seconds ago
Falls Fire – ORMAFWildfireOregon151666 Acres25 minutes 54 seconds ago
Red Fire – ORDEFWildfireOregon659 Acres28 minutes 52 seconds ago
Homestead Complex – ORUPFWildfireOregon4387 Acres52 minutes ago
Warner Peak Fire – ORSHRWildfireOregon61330 Acres1 hour 10 minutes ago
Crazy Creek – OROCFWildfireOregon86603 Acres1 hour 26 minutes ago
Cottage Grove – Lane 1 – OR77SWildfireOregon23451 Acres1 hour 44 minutes ago
Dixon Fire – ORUPFWildfireOregon1997 Acres2 hours 30 minutes ago
Middle Fork Fire – ORCLPWildfireOregon4929 Acres12 hours 9 minutes ago
Town Gulch – ORWWFWildfireOregon18188 Acres12 hours 29 minutes ago
Sandstone Fire – ORMHFWildfireOregon625 Acres14 hours 22 minutes ago
Pyramid and Slate Fires – ORWIFWildfireOregonAcres14 hours 27 minutes ago
Whisky Creek Fire – ORMHFWildfireOregon1903 Acres14 hours 35 minutes ago
Courtrock Fire – OR95SWildfireOregon20019 Acres17 hours 26 minutes ago
Porcupine Fire – ORBUDWildfireOregon6491 Acres1 day 21 hours ago
Lone Rock Fire – ORPRDWildfireOregon137222 Acres1 day 22 hours ago
Badland Complex 2024 – ORVADWildfireOregon54563 Acres3 days 20 hours ago
Microwave Tower Fire – OR95SWildfireOregon1313 Acres4 days 11 hours ago
Winding Waters Complex – OR97SWildfireOregon752 Acres5 days 22 hours ago
Durkee Fire – ORVADWildfireOregon294265 Acres6 days 21 hours ago
Cow Valley Fire – ORVADWildfireOregon133490 Acres1 week 6 days ago

Please Help Prevent Wildfires!


In these dry conditions, a single spark can cause a lot of damage. Learn how you can prevent wildfires by visiting the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s wildfire prevention page

Cooler temps

As new school year looms, health officials urge measles vaccination

Highly effective MMR vaccine the best way to prevent highly infectious virus

PORTLAND, Ore. — With the start of the new school year around the corner – and as a measles outbreak continues in three Oregon counties – health officials are urging parents and guardians to get their children vaccinated against the highly infectious virus before classes begin.

A total of 25 confirmed cases of measles have been reported in Clackamas, Marion and Multnomah counties, all among unvaccinated individuals. Two people have been hospitalized, and there have been no deaths. Ten of the cases are 9 and younger; 10 cases are ages 10 to 19; and five cases are 20 and older.

Marion County has the most cases with 16, followed by Clackamas County with eight and Multnomah County with one.

Paul Cieslak, M.D., OHA medical director for communicable diseases and immunizations, joined Clackamas County Health Officer Sarah Present, M.D., for a media briefing this morning to give an update on the outbreak. A recording of the media briefing is available on OHA’s YouTube channel at this link.

Cieslak said state and county epidemiologists have seen several waves of measles cases since mid-June, “so now about two months of sustained transmission of measles.” It’s the largest measles outbreak the state has seen since 2019, when Oregon experienced 28 cases that were linked to a much larger outbreak in Clark County, Wash.

“Before 2019, you have to go all the way back to the early 1990s to see case counts this high,” Cieslak said. “The reason is we maintained very high vaccination rates and very high population levels of immunity. Unfortunately, we’ve seen an erosion in the percentage of people who are getting vaccinated against measles.”

Since about 2000, an increasing number of parents have chosen nonmedical exemptions from state school vaccination requirements for their children. Before that year, only about 1% of kindergarteners had vaccination exemptions; since then, the number has risen steadily, and during the 2023-2024 school year, the exemption rate reached 8.8%.

“In Clackamas County, as in other Oregon counties, pockets of unvaccinated people raise risk of infection in communities where they live,” Present said. “That’s why the counties reach out to every case that’s been identified and try to determine exactly where they’ve been while infectious.”

Someone with measles can spread the virus up to four days before the tell-tale rash appears, and their symptoms may be mild during that time. As a result, the counties and OHA have been sharing information about specific locations that cases are known to have visited, so “we can let members of the public know they may have been exposed to measles,” Present said.

She noted that since measles is so contagious, an estimated 95% of a population needs to have received two doses of measles vaccine to be able to protect the most vulnerable members of the community via community or “herd” immunity.

Getting the MMR vaccine can also help families avoid the burden of having to isolate at home for several weeks if they are exposed to measles. According to state law, an unvaccinated person exposed to the virus must be excluded from school or child care during the period when they could become sick, which is usually for 21 days after exposure. And this exclusion can be extended if there are more measles cases. 

“It’s really an important time to make sure students and their families are up to date on vaccinations as we go into the new school year,” Present explained.

Learn more about measles at https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DISEASESCONDITIONS/DISEASESAZ/Pages/measles.aspx.

Gold Hill Private Basketball Coach Arrested for Luring a Minor, Detectives Looking for Other Victims

JCSO Case 24-4186 — GOLD HILL, Ore. – Jackson County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) detectives arrested a local private basketball coach yesterday, August 12, for inappropriate contact with an underage child.

The suspect, Geordan Victor Sanchez Edmond, 29, of Gold Hill, is charged with one count of luring a minor and is lodged in the Jackson County Jail. 

Edmond has given private basketball lessons to children in the local area for the last few years.

Detectives suspect Edmond could have additional victims. If you have any information about the pictured suspect, call the JCSO Tip Line at (541) 774-8333 and reference case 24-4186.

OSP arrests Grants Pass man on child sex abuse charges

Justin Lee Concha aka Jay Leslie Frost
Justin Lee Concha aka Jay Leslie Frost

OSP Detectives ask anyone with information to come forward

GRANTS PASS, Ore. 14 August 2024 – Oregon State Police detectives recently arrested and charged a Grants Pass man with child sex abuse offenses and are asking additional victims to come forward. 

On August 7, 2024, Justin Lee Concha (30) was arrested and charged with multiple sex offense crimes and detectives believe additional victims are likely. Concha is suspected of attempting to meet underage juveniles for the purpose of sex.

He has been charged with five counts of Encouraging Child Sex Abuse 1, five counts of Encouraging Child Sex Abuse 2, and Sexual Assault of an Animal.  Concha additionally uses an aka of Jay Leslie Frost.

If anyone has information about Concha, please contact OSP’s Southern Command Center at 1-800-442-2068.

Klamath Falls Double Murder Suspect Gets Arraignment Date In Sister’s Deaths Case

Tuesday 8/13, a 20-year-old Klamath Falls man has a new arraignment date in Klamath County Circuit Court, accused of killing two Klamath Falls sisters and attempting to kill their father.

Elijah Albert Qinkade Croy has his arraignment next week for two murder charges and an attempted murder charge after his June 29 arrest for the sisters’ shooting deaths and attempted shooting of their father that day.

A Klamath County grand jury indicted Croy on six charges, also including criminal weapon charges, July 3, 2024, before a series of court proceedings leading to his Aug. 21, 2024, arraignment next week. They include a psychological evaluation report to the court within the past week and a motion by Croy to recuse Judge Stephen Hedlund from the case, which was granted this month.

Klamath Falls police say they arrested Croy within a few feet of the murder victims. A Klamath Falls Police Department officer wrote, “Croy admitted to me he had shot and killed both … using a Glock style handgun he had purchased in individual parts and then assembled into a working handgun himself. He stated he had done this after he had attempted to murder the girl’s father … who had discovered him inside of his daughter’s bedroom.”

The indictment charges Croy with the deaths of a 14-year-old girl and her 19-year-old sister at their east Klamath Falls home. NewsWatch 12 is not identifying the victims based on the minor involved in the case.

It also charges Croy with attempted murder of their father, with a police probable cause statement for Croy’s arrest saying he tried to shoot the father, “but his handgun failed to fire after he pulled the trigger.”

Klamath County District Attorney David Schutt filed a notice with Klamath County Circuit Court to apply “enhancement fact” to the case, referring to fact/s required to be found by a jury to increase the jail sentence that could be imposed upon conviction of a crime.

The Croy’s original arraignment date for his indictment was July 9, 2024.  He is listed as a Klamath County Jail inmate.

Traffic stop leads to seizure of 60 pounds of fentanyl pills

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. 14 August 2024 – A traffic stop by an Oregon State Police K-9 Unit netted 60 pounds of fentanyl-laced pills destined for Portland. 

On August 12, 2024, at 8:00 a.m., an Oregon State K-9 Trooper stopped a commercial motor vehicle tractor unit on Interstate 5 in Jackson County for a traffic violation. During a consent search of the vehicle’s cab, the trooper located two 5-gallon buckets filled with blue pills suspected of being laced with fentanyl. 

Two suspects, Daniel Pena Gragoso (42) and Josue Itzel Gomez (28), both of Mexico, were arrested and charged with possession and delivery of fentanyl and lodged at the Jackson County Jail. 

The seized pills weighed 60 pounds which is the equivalent of about 276,000 individual pills.

# # # OSP Domestic Highway Enforcement Initiative
The Oregon State Police-Domestic Highway Enforcement (OSP-DHE) Initiative is supported by the Oregon-Idaho High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA).

The Oregon-Idaho HIDTA program is an Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) sponsored counterdrug grant program that coordinates with and provides funding resources to multi-agency drug enforcement initiatives, including the OSP-DHE Initiative.

Seeking proposals to run Smith Creek Village, other concessions at Silver Falls

Silver Falls Smith Creek Village | Sublimity OR

SILVERTON, Oregon—Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is seeking proposals to operate Smith Creek Village retreat center, South Falls Café and two historic ranches at Silver Falls State Park.

Smith Creek Village is a retreat center on the south side of Silver Falls that includes lodging (13 cabins and 4 lodges) and a restaurant with a commercial kitchen, dining room and seating area with lots of natural light

“Silver Falls is one of the crown jewels of the park system, and this is an incredible opportunity to be a part of this breath-taking destination,” said Willamette Valley District Manager Sarah Steele.

The park is one of the most popular in the state with an estimated 1.5 million day-use visits per year and features the nationally recognized Trail of Ten Falls. 

In 2021, OPRD signed an agreement with Silver Falls Hospitality to run two services— Smith Creek Village and the historic ranches—and a separate agreement with Oregon Commission for the Blind to run South Falls Café. Both contracts will expire at the end of October, prompting a new request for proposals. The new 10-year contract will include all three business opportunities.

The opportunity includes:

  • Smith Creek Village, a retreat at the south end of the park with a restaurant, dining area, and lodging including 13 individual cabins and four group overnight lodges as well as outdoor event space, historic buildings, meeting areas and a commercial kitchen. 
  • South Falls Café, a popular café near the trailhead for the Trail of Ten Falls with a full kitchen and indoor and patio space at the South Falls Lodge. Concession services at the South Falls Café currently include casual dining, food to go, and snacks for picnicking and hiking. 
  • The Davidson Ranch and the Foothills Ranch, two large overnight facilities with commercial kitchens for private retreats and group lodging for weddings and other gatherings. 

OPRD is looking for a business or individual to run all three opportunities. The deadline to apply is Aug. 30. OPRD will host an open house 1 to 4 p.m. Aug. 16, and 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 17 for prospective concessionaires. Registration is required. Email utler@oprd.oregon.gov“>Winona Butler by 2 p.m. Aug. 14 to register.

Silver Falls is expected to see continued growth with work now underway to develop the North Gateway: a new campground, visitor center and park improvements slated to open in 2026. 

The park offers everything from camping, hiking and biking to picnicking, horseback riding and wildlife viewing. Several of the park’s structures date back to the Civilian Conservation Corps established in 1933. The architecture features the now-iconic look of stone facades and timber beams seen at Silver Falls Lodge. 

Those who are interested in learning more can contact Contract Specialist Winona Butler at utler@oprd.oregon.gov“>winona.butler@oprd.oregon.gov or go OPRD’s website and click on the Silver Falls Concession Opportunity. The deadline to apply is Aug. 30, 2024.

Photos of the properties are available for download. 

Act now to secure Summer EBT benefits

(Salem) – As summer begins to wind down, families have a limited window to secure essential food assistance through the new Summer EBT program. The program offers $120 per child to help cover grocery costs when school food programs are not as easy to access. With the application deadline quickly approaching on Sept. 2, 2024, it’s crucial for eligible families to act now.

Thousands of families may be unaware that they qualify for this essential benefit. The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) are urging families to check their eligibility and apply before the deadline. Remember, once benefits are received, you have 122 days to use them.

Most eligible children received their benefits automatically on June 28, 2024, if their households:

  • Participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Participate in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Are Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) members in households with incomes under 185 percent of the Federal Poverty Level 

Children in foster care also automatically received Summer EBT. 

However, families who did not receive benefits automatically, particularly those with children in Head Start programs that participate in the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs, should still apply to determine their eligibility.

Families are encouraged to visit sebt.oregon.gov or contact the Summer EBT Call Center at 833-ORE-SEBT (833-673-7328) to verify their eligibility and apply. ODHS Director Fariborz Pakseresht said, “Making sure children have access to nutritious food throughout the summer is critical. This small action could provide significant support to families in Oregon.” 

Interview with ODHS Director Fariborz Pakseresht

Since June 28, 2024, more than 329,000 eligible school-aged children have been issued $39.5 million in Summer EBT food benefits. More than 60 percent of families receiving benefits in the initial issuance were able to immediately use benefits on existing Oregon EBT cards; the rest received new cards in July.

“The results of the Summer EBT launch so far have far exceeded our expectations, but we know that there are many more families out there who have children who may be eligible for the $120 Summer EBT benefit,” ODE Director Dr. Charlene Williams said. “We encourage our schools and Summer Meals providers to have flyers on site to raise awareness and get our families the benefits they qualify for.”

Interview with ODE Director Dr. Charlene Williams

Act now and don’t let this opportunity pass by. Make sure your family receives the assistance it deserves by applying for Summer EBT before Sept. 2, 2024.

To learn more:

  • Call 833-ORE-SEBT (833-673-7328). The call center is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time.
  • Visit sebt.oregon.gov.

SNAP Double Up Food Bucks Benefits for Oregon Residents

You can use 🍎 Double Up 🍎 dollars when purchasing eligible items at participating farmers markets across the state. Just bring your SNAP EBT card with you to a participating farmers market and visit the information booth before you begin to shop.

Adapted from the Fair Food Network’s national model, Oregon Double Up Food Bucks makes it easy for low-income Oregonians to eat more fruits and vegetables while supporting family farmers and local economies. Double Up is Oregon’s first statewide incentive program, designed to be convenient for shoppers.

The program doubles the value of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (sometimes called “SNAP” or “food stamps”) benefits at participating farmers markets, grocery stores, and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farms so shoppers can bring home more fresh produce.

Double Up is currently offered at over 85 farmers market locations, 35 grocery stores and more than 40 CSA farms across the state — with new locations joining the program each year.

For every $1 in SNAP you spend, you will get $1 of Double Up Food Bucks to spend on more fresh fruits and vegetables, up to $20 per transaction. For example: if you spend $20 in SNAP benefits, you’ll get an extra $20 free that you can use to buy more produce. Learn more at OregonFoodBank.org/DoubleUp.

Oregon Wildlife Agencies Want Your Help Tracking Roadkill

This summer, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Oregon Zoo started asking Oregonians to do their own tracking and upload pictures of roadkill.

“The state wants to get a better idea about where different animals, different species are getting struck and killed by cars,” said Rachel Wheat, the ODFW wildlife connectivity coordinator.

If Oregon’s naturalists can identify roadkill hotspots, then maybe the state can reduce the number of animals killed in interactions with people each year by removing vegetation that attracts wildlife to a specific area or by building a wildlife crossing.

Roadways and vehicular traffic are a significant contributor to fragmentation of habitat and impacts to wildlife, including injury and mortality. The purpose of this project is to improve our understanding of the impacts of roads on Oregon’s wildlife, and to identify roadkill hot spots and vulnerabilities among a diversity of animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. This information can help reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions and make roadways safer.

To sign up and for more information visit: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/roadkills-of-oregon

Campfires temporarily banned at most Oregon State Parks due to dry conditions, nearby wildfires

Farewell Bend State Recreation Area is closed after a nearby wildfire spread to the park. The park is closed while staff work to remove hazard trees, repair damaged water lines and clear out debris.

— Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) temporarily banned campfires at most Oregon State Parks due to dry conditions and the strain on firefighting resources from wildfires burning across the state. 

Campfires and open flames are banned at all parks east of the Cascades due to the low humidity and risk of wildfires. They’re also restricted at parks in high-risk areas across the state until conditions improve. Most bans impact parks east of the Cascades and in the valley with some restrictions at select coastal parks.

“We understand that campfires are an important part of the experience at Oregon State Parks. We don’t make the decision lightly to restrict the use of fire, but unfortunately conditions require that response. The decision is made in consultation with our local fire agencies. Thank you for helping us do our part to reduce the risk of any new wildfires,” said JR Collier, OPRD’s deputy of statewide operations.

Campfire restrictions generally ban all “open flame,” but often make exceptions for propane cooking as the flame is contained. Check individual park webpages for details on any restrictions before visiting. Restrictions are listed in alphabetical order in a feature story at stateparks.oregon.gov/ or on the individual park pages. 

OPRD also encourages visitors to know before they go when it comes to the impact of wildfires across the state:

  • Several parks have been closed due to wildfires including Battle Mountain Forest State Scenic Corridor, Farewell Bend State Recreation Area, East and West Hatfield Trailheads on the Columbia River Highway State Trail and Ukiah-Dale Forest State Scenic Corridor. Check park webpages at stateparks.oregon.gov/ and search by park.
  • Some parks have reduced air quality due to wildfire smoke. Check DEQ’s website for air quality information at www.oregonsmoke.org/
  • Several roads and highways have been closed due to wildfires. Please use TripCheck to learn about closures and alternative routes. Relying on GPS might lead drivers into unsafe conditions

For more information about current wildfires around the state, go to the Oregon Department of Forestry’s website: https://www.oregon.gov/odf/fire/pages/firestats.aspx

For more information about wildfire prevention, please visit the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s webpage at https://www.oregon.gov/osfm/education/pages/prevent-wildfires.aspx.

Campfires prohibited across BLM’s Northwest Oregon District

– Starting July 23, campfires will be prohibited on all Bureau of Land Management public lands throughout the Northwest Oregon District. BLM leaders encourage all visitors to be aware of active restrictions and closures as hotter, drier weather sets in around the Pacific Northwest.

In addition to fires and campfires, the stronger restrictions also prohibit smoking in vegetated areas; using vehicles in unmanaged vegetated areas; operating a chainsaw; welding, cutting or grinding; or using an internal combustion engine without a spark arrestor. These prohibitions will stay in effect until rescinded.

These level II fire restrictions help reduce the risk of human-caused fires. They build on the BLM’s statewide fire restrictions prohibiting fireworks, exploding targets or metallic targets, steel component ammunition (core or jacket), tracer or incendiary devices, and sky lanterns, which went effect May 24.

Those who violate the prohibition may be fined up to $100,000 and/or imprisoned for up to 12 months. In addition, those found responsible for starting wildland fires on federal lands can be billed for the cost of fire suppression.

For the complete order and more information on seasonal fire restrictions and fire closures, please see www.blm.gov/orwafire.

To learn more about fire careers with BLM Oregon-Washington, please see https://www.blm.gov/programs/public-safety-and-fire/fire/state-info/oregon-washington/careers.


Oregon’s Missing Persons

Many times you’ll see postings without case numbers or police contact. There is rarely a nefarious reason why (the nefarious ones are pretty obvious). Usually the loved one tried to call to report their missing person and they are either refused or told to wait a day or two by people who are unaware of SB 351 and the laws that they are bound to when answering the phone. Many people don’t bother calling LE if their loved one is homeless or in transition because they believe LE won’t care. The biggest myth is the 24 hour rule.

In Oregon we don’t have those rules and an officer or person answering the phone is not allowed to decide. The law decides. We have Senate Bill 351 and it states that the police CANNOT refuse a request for any reason and they must begin working on it within 12 hours. The person making the report does not have to be related to missing person either.

Here is SB 351 written by families of the missing here in Oregon in conjunction with Oregon law enforcement officers. This should be common knowledge, please make it this way. https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/…/SB351/Introduced

Contact us: Info@OregonBeachMagazine.com

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